"Katie Gallus hat uns allen beim Ceres-Award einen wunderbaren Abend beschert. Sensationell gut vorbereitet und professionell war ihre Moderation! Was sie darüber hinaus aber absolut auszeichnet, ist das Vertiefen in das Thema Landwirtschaft und die Begeisterung für das, was an diesem Abend Thema war. Ihre Begeisterung und Freude ist ansteckend und so ganz nebenbei führt sie alle, auch die Bühnen-Laien, sicher und unterstützend durch den ganzen Abend."
Nikola SteinbockSprecherin des Vorstands, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
"Whether on stage or live in front of the camera - Katie is charming, competent and so incredibly alive and authentic! As a presenter, she has given our live event We Love Travel! such a great and vivid atmosphere. She succeeded in competently discussing professional travel topics with the participants and at the same time awakening the enthusiasm for wanderlust. It was great pleasure working with her. The feedback from our guests and attendees was absolutely positive."
Julia SonnemannITB Berlin
"Hochprofessionelle Moderation mit Charme und Humor. Genau die richtige Mischung für anspruchsvolle Events."
Alexander RabeGeschäftsführer eco, Verband der Internetwirtschaft
"Katie Gallus is one of the most remarkable moderators, I´ve met recently. She´s highly professional and adapts even to the craziest situations and changes easily. She was the facilitator of the hybrid event Martin Roth Symposium throughout a whole week in Berlin. She identifies the key topics and relevant issues - in regards to political, cultural and digital questions - in a blink of an eye and is strongly focussed on a discussion - both empathic and at eye level. I highly recommend working with her and can´t wait to be working with Katie again."
Jeannine Kochmedianet berlinbrandenburg
"I had the pleasure to work with Katie Gallus who was the moderator of the first multi-site conference BoCom - Borderless Communication in the Digital Age on September 3rd 2020. At four different conference locations and in the livestream, participants and speakers from all over the world reflected on the past months and gave a constructive outlook on future communication and collaboration. New meeting and event formats require a new mindset, new approaches and new actions. They put new challenges on concepts, content-delivery and technical equipment. Highly impacted by this are moderators because they have to respond and engage virtual, spartially-distributed and on-site participants. That is why an agile mindset, flexibility and ability to react to sudden changes and diverse audiences is needed. On top of that, being charismatic never hurts! All this was perfectly implemented by Katie Gallus."
Matthias SchulzeManaging Director Germany Convention Bureau, Managing Director Germany
"I worked with Katie on multiple projects and she is the most versatile production head and journalist I have ever worked with. I was also impressed by Katie’s ability to handle any situation calmly and patiently and her storytelling abilities are unlike I have ever seen before. Anyone would be lucky to be on her team."
Henok DeribaFreelance Videographer based in Addis Abeba
"Katie has been an excellent chairwoman throughout “Netzpolitisches Jubiläumsforum”. Having participated in a panel she moderated – I was impressed by her professionalism. With her strong personality, professional skills and energetic performance she was not only contributing, she engaged naturally with everyone on stage and the audience. Katie´s presenting skills, high energy and enthusiasm were a key contribution to this event´s success. What I like most is how she improvises naturally when needed."
Marcus BushLeaseweb Germany